Getting patients well, keeping them well, and focusing on a cure
Do I Have CGD?
After Being Diagnosed
General Information about CGD
Support for Parents/Patients
Wish Foundations
Kids/Teens/Young Adults
Doctor Visits & Hospitalizations
Specific Infecting Organisms
Drug Therapies
Specific Disease Help
Your Time in the Hospital
Financial Help
Sibling Support
Updates on CGD Patients (2011)
Updates on CGD Patients (2013)
Professional PID Links
Awarded Grants
Clinical Trials
Contact & Nonprofit Info
Those who Have Lost Love Ones
If you have ever lost a loved one due to a CGD-related illness or due to any other reason and you are available to correspond with other families in similar circumstances, please write to the CGD Association and let us know and we will put you on this very important list. At times, CGD families have called or written about a recent death and we need to give them as much support as possible. Please never hesitate to call or write the CGD Association if you have lost a loved one or you or your child are hospitalized. We try to help as much as possible and will try to direct you to other supportive families.
Support Groups and Publications for Bereaved Parents and Siblings
The CGD Association takes an active role in supporting those who have lost loved ones due to a CGD-related illness through networking people who have had a similar experience.
Other groups that you may wish to contact are:
The Compassionate Friends
P.O. Box 3696
Oak Brook, Illinois 60522-3696
(708) 990-0010
(708) 990-0246 FAX
“The Compassionate Friends is a mutual self-help organization offering friendship and understanding to bereaved parents and siblings. The primary purpose is to assist them in the positive resolution of the grief experienced upon the death of a child and to support their efforts to achieve physical and emotional health. The secondary purpose is to provide information and education about bereaved parents and siblings. The objective is to help those in their community, including family, friends, employers, co-workers and professionals, to be supportive.” The Compassionate Friends is an international support group and has 671 chapters throughout the United States.
Centering Corporation
1531 N. Saddle Creek Road
Omaha, Nebraska 68104-5064
(402) 553-1200
(402) 553-0507 FAX
The Centering Corporation offers creative, supportive workshops.
Both The Compassionate Friends and the Centering Corporation offer a wide variety of reading material relating to bereaved parents and siblings. Some of the topics include: Death of a Child, Sibling Grief, Divorce, and Illness and Disability.
Other Bereavement Support Resources